無意間發現這LEGO樂高機器人產品樂高能源組Renewable Energy Add-On Set-9688已經開賣囉..還有相關的組裝圖
一.樂高能源組Renewable Energy Add-On Set-9688
The Renewable Energy Add-On Set is designed as an addition to the Simple and Motorized Mechanisms Set, the core set in our Machines & Mechanisms range. When the Renewable Energy Add-On Set is combined with the customized activity pack, students will explore renewable energy sources; investigate energy supply, transfer, accumulation, conversion, and consumption; and use measurements and data analysis to describe and explain outcomes through hands-on activities and exciting, real-life models.
Extend the use of the Add-On Set by combining it with the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education range. Students will experiment using energy from their own bodies and the three main energy sources – solar, wind, and water – to generate, store, and use power. When connected to the NXT Brick, the unique elements of the Renewable Energy Add-On Set (solar panel, generator, and LEGO Energy Meter) work as sensors.
E -Motor是一個 9V馬達內部變速箱它的齒輪比為 9.5:1,最大扭矩450 NCM的,無負荷大約每分鐘旋轉 800轉,它還可以作為一個非常有效的發電機。可用來取代舊型的動力機械教學用的馬達..
The E-Motor is a 9V motor with an internal gearbox. Its 9.5:1 gearing ratio provides a maximum torque of 4.5 Ncm and approximately 800 rotations per minute without load. It also functions as a very efficient generator.
Designed for use with the NXT Intelligent Brick, this new DC lithium ion polymer battery with 2100 mAh of power is an alternative to AA batteries and replaces the original AC version of the NXT Rechargeable Battery. Estimated recharge time is 4-5 hours. The battery requires the DC Charger (778887, sold separately) and is not compatible with the AC Charger (979833). One NXT Rechargeable DC Battery and DC Charger are included in the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education NXT Base Set.